Monday, December 21, 2009

A tree Grows in Brooklyn response 2- responsibility

You sit on the couch watching your favorite TV show when your mother comes in to ask you to take the garbage out. Instead of taking out the revolting trash you sit back down on the couch and continue to watch TV and hope that your mother will do your chore instead. What you should have done was take the trash out and then come back to your show. You can not depend on others to do your work through life because one day you will be on your own, and by learning at an early age you become very mature.

During the time this book was written the responsibility kids were given were much grater then what is given to today’s children. In the book A Tree Grows in Brooklyn the duties Francie is given teaches her maturity. She must run to the store to by food for the family, and her brother, Neely, and her must look for scraps of metal to sell for pennies. Francie does not depend on her family, her family depends on her for many things. Her responsibilities in this book are much greater than her younger brother's. When they take the scraps of metal to the junk yard she is the one whose cheek gets pinched in order to get the extra penny. Also when her mother decides that Nelly and Francie are to old to share a room Neely is the one who gets his own room while Francie and her mother, Katie, get to share a room. When Johnny died Katie had to buy new black clothes for the kids. Neely gets a nice black suit while Francie gets black shoes and is forced to where her green winter jacket. When her family was in need of money she would have been the one who had to drop out of school to get her working papers not Neely.

Francie is given all these responsibilities, and is the one making all the compromises, yet in return she is not receiving anything. She does not struggle with this or complain, because she understands that she must do this for her family. Francie comes to understand, that you must do what you are asked, and not depend on others.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Response- regret

Who in their life hasn't done something they later wished they could take back? Maybe you said something you wish you hadn't, but you know once it’s been said there is nothing you can do to change it. Once something has been done for others to see we can only do minor things to reduce the regret and live in sorrow.

In the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie and those around her face regret throughout the book. Francie's mother, Katie Nolan, regrets how her love for her son, Neely, is much stronger than her love for Francie. Katie loves her daughter out of pity, and regrets that she can't feel the same love she feels for Francie as she does for Neely. Francie was the best writer in her class, but Katie never took the time to read anything Francie wrote. Eventually Katie apologizes that she never read any of Francie's compositions. Johnny, Katie's husband, is very repentant because he is addicted to alcohol and uses the money from his tips for alcohol and not to support his family. The owner of the saloon that Johnny works at, Mr. McGarrity is remorseful because Mr. McGarrity does not love his own wife and children. Mr. McGarrity hopes that someday his wife, Mae, will come to him and say that their children are not his. Whenever Johnny talks to Mr. McGarrity about Johnny's children, Mr. McGarrity pretends that the achievements of Johnny's children are actually things Mr. McGarrity's own children have done. After Johnny dies, Mr. McGarrity hires Johnny's children, Neely and Francie, to talk to him.

Being regretful is not something we want to feel, but should when you know that what you have done is not right. Regret is a part of life, and something we must all live with. When you apologize it can help make the person you hurt, and yourself, feel better, but can never change the things you have done.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Veterans Response

      Veterans are important to the world. These brave men and women fight for the freedom of our country. Everyday you can honor veterans, but especially on days that are dedicated to them you should show your support by putting your American flag out. Memorial Day and Labor Day are the only national holidays dedicated for our soldiers and veterans of our nation.

     Having only two days detected to the honor and remembrance of our veterans is not enough for what they do for our country. There should be a veterans honor month. Veterans honor month would be similar to black history month. This month is detected to the heroes of our country. It would also be to remember those who died for our country. Every day in that month people will have their flags hung outside on their flagpole or door. If one of your family members is away from home serving your country you can tie a yellow ribbon around a tree outside your house to signify there solidarity with soldiers in battle.

     On the third Tuesday of that month everyone in town would gather for a big parade. All veterans and soldiers who lived in town would be part of the parade. When they marched by everyone would stand quietly with their hand on top of their heart, hats off their head, and sing the national anthem as the American flag is held high in the air.

     So the next time you see someone in uniform go up to them and thank them for their service. Thank them for protecting us from war in our country, and for keeping our world safe and civilized. We need a veterans honor month so they know that we appreciate their services to our country.

"All summers in a Day" response

     You sit on the swing at recess with no one to talk to, no one to play with. A girl, Sally, across the grass playing soccer comes over to you, and invites you to play with them. You deny her offer, and continue to sit on the swing, moping, and gently swaying on the lonely swing set. You keep yourself separate from other children. By denying Sally's offer, you’re isolating yourself from the world. The isolation Margot made was during tag. You can't exclude yourself from the world or others around us, or we will loose hope in ourselves.

      When Margot excluded herself from the game tag she pushed herself even further away from others. She put herself in a corner to be alone. Margot also didn't speak up for herself. In the story when she knew she was right about the sun coming out. She sat in silence while the other children made fun of her poem. She ignored them and continued to let her self be invisible. Even though she knows the sun is going to come out. “Those who believe are rewarded with the Truth”, and that’s what Margot needs the Truth. You need to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in.

      This Tragic short story shows us just that. We must stand up for ourselves to keep from death of our dreams. To keep them from being crushed for then we loose faith and hopelessness will come upon you with only yourself left to blame. Sometimes even standing up may not be enough, you need to let yourself be taken in by others around us. Let them accept you.

English Classroom

You sit in hard chairs attached by metal bars to cold, hard, brown desks, as the English teacher drones on about the subject we talked about yesterday. Tuning out everything around you, while doodling on the notebook in front of you, dozing off, dreaming about the pb+j  sandwich you have for lunch, you struggle to make it through the day. Until the person in front of you coughs, and it’s back to reality, homework. The way the English room is designed should be a place where the environment is a free thinking, and a place where kids like learning in.

To start I would get rid of this horrible linoleum flooring, and replace it with shag carpet. Not dull white, or gray carpet, but electric blue carpet. This color will give the room a more creative vibe. Because there is carpet, it will be much more comfortable to sit on the floor. Especially since it is shag carpet too.

After changing the floor, the next thing to take care of would have to be furnishings. The room would be divided so you can actually travel to different places as you write. By having one corner be a study with a sunken floor, fire place a couch, and surrounded in twenty foot high book shelves. Another area would be a beach. There you could walk barefoot across the sand to the little one- foot pond filled with water, or sit in beach chairs and lay on towels on top of the sand. On the side of the room one of the areas would look like your in the woods. A place with a campfire to roast marshmallows, and wood logs for benches around the fire.

Other areas of the room will be just for comfort and fun. With beanbags and chairs that hang form the ceiling to do this. One of the fun things in the room is the trampolines. You can flip of the trampolines into the foam pit, or climb up the rock wall and dive into the pool of purple foam cubes. On top of the roof it would be an open grassy area where you can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air. There would also be a veggie garden would also be on the roof as well. The quietest place in the room is the coffee shop. It’s one of the best places to read and write stories. The last place in the room is an important research area. Laptops and a gigantic Mac computer for presentations would be included in the room.

In addition to the carpeted floors, the walls would have furry carpet on them as well. This carpet on the wall will be yellow. Yellow is a happy color so it has a good affect on your mood. Carpeted walls make the room unique, and gives the room a different look than normal.

All of these things will help improve the way you think of writing, and gives you a place to enjoy it. A place where when someone says English you think good thoughts. Not desk and cement walls. That exciting, creative place, you love writing in. That is an environment you want to learn in.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn